Activities 2007-2009
- Testing the water quality in the wells in chemical way
- Testing the water quality in the rivers, ponds and lakes in biological way
- Collect articles and news from national and international newspapers about water to use them as prompts for debate in class.
- Exhibitions about the theme organized by the students in the different participating schools, publication of these activities on the website. Meanwhile may available by the coordinating school
- Use of ICT on what the communication among schools and the use of the website are concerned
- Seminars and study trips
- Carry out a questionnaire about the use of water at the students homes and school
- Inventory of water technologies in different countries
- Research on the traditional systems to collect and preserve water
- Celebration of Water World Day in the different partners schools
- Collecting national poetry and legends about water
- Translation and publication of poems and legend in French or English
- Essay and poem productions and publications
- Poetry reading session with poems and music related to the topic of water
- Hungary - Atal mennek en a Tiszan, Tavaszi szel vizet araszt, Hej, Dunarol fuj a szel, Komaromi kisleany
- Estonia - A break with Estonian poetry about snow and water, Presentation
- Turkey - The lonely dry fountains of a forgotten Istanbul, The Art of Marbling "EBRU", Presentation: EBRU Art of Water
- Lithuania - Poems, Sayings about water, The Earth Day
- Spain Madrid- Water Poems Contest, Water Songs, Presentation: Water from the artistic and Literary point of view, World Water Day Poems
- Spain Granada - IES Fray Luis de Granada (Spain) Comenius Project, Poems part1, part 2, Water Songs
- Debate about the problems of water and solutions
Expected results
- Research work about the use of water at the students homes in different countries
- Research work about the water quality in different countries
- Project website
- PowerPoint presentation about the historical water use in different countries
- Video tape or DVD with the poetry reading session
- Collect of all the partners’ products in a CD-ROM or a DVD